Do you know any information monkey? (I USED TO BE THIS) | Best Public Speaking Course in Bangalore India

A lot of people spend a fair amount of time “researching” online about topics of their interests.
They read articles after articles.
They watch videos after videos.
They listen to a lot of podcasts.
They subscribe to a lot of email newsletters.
They also join some "digital coaching" courses.
They gather a lot of knowledge.
They feel smart knowing so much.
If you look at them, it becomes evident that they don’t practice what they know.
For example, there’s a gentleman I know who knows all about green tea, he knows more about different spiritual practices, he reads a lot about business building ideas.
> He’s unhealthy (for past 7 years).
> He acts angry and out of control at least a few times a day.
> He never started a business.
So he’s gathering all this knowledge for what?
Correct- for NOTHING.
It’s a dangerous habit.
People who are theory-based tend to die with regrets.
Don’t be an information monkey who jumps from one tree to another tree (one mentor to another mentor) without applying ANYTHING.
Rather be an actiontaker like the tiger with laser-like focus ready to achieve his goals.

If your goal is to:
- Speak with influence
- Communicate with authority
- Unlock your hidden confidence
- Present like a boss
- Live an unstoppable life
...then stop just reading online. Stop hiding behind the computer.
SHOW UP LIKE A REAL MAN: Get some practical experience.
We do that for my clients.
I will teach you EXACTLY how to prepare, how to develop, design and DELIVER world-class presentations consistently & confidently...every time.

Here’s what Nirav says after joining my mentoring program
“I used to be afraid of the stage and I was not able to speak in front of people because of my FEAR that I had for many years. And my throat use to choke for the nervousness--- I had no clue how to overcome it. I tried many things, nothing helped. One question which was always running in my mind "What will they think?"
One afternoon I was googling about best presentation skills & public speaking expert in India, and I found this guy named "Bishal Sarkar." I had a call with his team to see how to join their program. STRANGELY, they didn't directly take me, they told me that I had to go through an interview process to see if I will get selected as a client.
So, about a week later I got on a call with the man Bishal himself. I told him my situation, and he listened like the EXPERT he is. At the end I told him I wanted to get mentored by him and luckily he agreed to help me.
That was the GAME-CHANGER.
In his PRACTICAL PROGRAM, Bishal showed me the FORMULA for becoming a CONFIDENT SPEAKER. He showed me the PRACTICAL FORMULA for overcoming my stage fear. I also picked up the SYSTEM for CONNECTING with my audience. Now I knew how to ROCK THE STAGE.
Recently, I delivered a series of presentations for Google, and by using the PRACTICAL FORMULA I felt completely confident. I made the presentations very much engaging and my audience connected with me. No nervousness. No choking. No Fear. ONLY CONFIDENCE. Not only that. At the end, I got 4.8 out of 5 in their FEEDBACK.
I felt AWESOME, I felt like an ACHIEVER.
Trust me, it's a GREAT FEELING. It's a dream that has come true.
Bishal Sarkar's programs are DAMN EXPENSIVE. When I was selected for his program, I didn't have enough money to invest. Guess what. I didn't quit like a loser. NO! I borrowed money immediately, because I am ALWAYS sincere about getting results. Because I was serious, I immediately made ALL the arrangements and enrolled in Bishal's program.
If you want to have similar results like me, and if you want to feel like an achiever for your speaking & presentation skills, there's none better than Bishal Sarkar to help you out.” – Nirav


Want results like this?

Watch the results of the members of THE BALANCED LIFE MASTERMIND members (that we accepted on Feb 2) and see their results in next 2 years. 

Group is full, and we are not accepting new members again. It's closed! 

I am going to mentor these gentlemen & ladies, do everything in my power to give them EVERYTHING they need to achieve the goals they have for themselves. 



About the author: Bishal Sarkar, popularly known as “THE KING OF CONFIDENCE”, is called the best motivational speaker of Bangalore India. Bishal is the creator of “Present like a Champ Boot Camp” (The Best Public Speaking Course in Bangalore) where he teaches the participants the step-by-step easy-to-follow process of public speaking success. He regularly speaks to professionals, youth groups, corporate groups, and trains people from various walks of life and brings out the excellence within them. As the author of the book “I Love Public Speaking”, Bishal now teaches professionals how to overcome fear of public speaking and deliver powerful presentations using the proven formula of speaking & presentation success, through his public speaking courses & communication skills classes in Bangalore. He also helps aspiring speakers by teaching them How to become a motivational speaker in India. People say that he has designed the best presentation skills classes & public speaking workshops in Bangalore. For enrolling in Bishal Sarkar’s Best Public Speaking Course in Bangalore, call us on +91-88803-61526.


India’s Public Speaking Expert | +91-88803-61526

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